Niederrhein/ Ruhr/ Münsterland

About Niederrhein/ Ruhr/ Münsterland

Route Network

The RheinRuhrBahn operates six routes in the region Niederrhein/Ruhr/Münsterland:

RE 10 “Niers-Express“ (Kleve – Krefeld – Düsseldorf Hbf)
RE 14 “Emscher-Münsterland-Express“ (Essen-Steele – Dorsten – Borken/Coesfeld)
RB 31 “Der Niederrheiner“ (Xanten – Moers – Duisburg Hbf)
RB 36 “Ruhrort-Bahn“ (Oberhausen Hbf -– Duisburg-Ruhrort)
RE 44 “Fossa-Emscher-Express“ (Bottrop Hbf -– Moers)
S 7 “Der Müngstener“ (Wuppertal Hbf -– Solingen Hbf)

Tickets & Fare Areas

The fare regulations set by the transport associations and communities WestfalenTarif and VRR-Tarif apply on any routes across western Münsterland and the northern Ruhr area, as do any transitional arrangements imposed. Valid tariffs which apply here are the VRR-Tarif, WestfalenTarif, NRW- Tarif, Deutschlandtarif, as well as tariffs of the Deutsche Bahn. For more information on fares and regulations, please refer to the following links:

NRW Tarif:

Ticket Vending Machines

You can get your train tickets at the ticket vending machines at the stations and from our ticket partners, or use our ticket shop via the “VRR App” application. Simply visit the App Store or Google Playstore and download it onto your mobile phone.

"Only board with a valid ticket"

You must always buy and validate your ticket prior to boarding a train. Otherwise, you will be charged with an additional fee of € 60.

Rules of Transportation

Transport is directly regulated by the “Eisenbahnverkehrsordnung” (EVO), transport regulations of the different fare areas and the Regulation (EC) No. 1371/2007.

Follow this link for any further information (only available in German):

North Rhine Westphalia passenger information

Is my train on time? - In North Rhine Westphalia the state government informs about current passenger information for all rail transport companies:

Customer Centres